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Liturgy and Prayer

Liturgical Planning Committee - The purpose of the Committee is to provide whatever assistance the pastor deems necessary or desired for the implementation and execution of liturgical planning strategies. Its role is purely supplemental and in no way supplants the official functions inherent in the ordained priestly functions of the pastor nor the deacons assigned to the parish by the Diocese of Springfield. The Committee helps with the planning of parish liturgical events, aids in research and developing faith-based information for parishioner consumption, and helps in liturgical matters in whatever ways as designated by the pastor. The Committee encourages and solicits the participation of parishioners in the liturgical life of the parish.


The Committee meets on a regular schedule as agreed upon by its members and reports directly to the pastor concerning planning and organizational objectives. The Committee is open to new members as well as to others offering suggestions that would improve enhance and/or promote the liturgical life of the parish. Membership on this committee is limited to whatever term(s) the pastor designates and based upon the generous willingness of its members to provide time and talent.  For further information contact Katherine Walsh at 413-625-6272.



Altar Servers - Altar Servers provide a direct service to the parish community by assisting at weekend Masses, as well as weddings and funerals. Training will be provided. If you are interested

in becoming an altar server contact Father Lunney, Pastor at 413-625-6405.

Choir/Musician - Please share your musical gifts and talents with the parish. Choirs are open to

all parishioners, including youth. Keyboardists, and/or instrumentalists are needed to enhance our

liturgy in sung prayer. Contact:  Anne Mislak, Music Ministry Coordinator at 413-325-8779.

Eucharistic Adoration – All Parishioners are invited to visit the Blessed Sacrament at St. Joseph Church. Commit yourself to a specific time for silent prayer. The church is open all day until 5 pm. You are also invited to participate in various Eucharistic devotions that are offered during the YEAR OF THE EUCHARIST and during the universal Church liturgical calendar.

Lector - As a lector, you are called upon to cultivate an active love for the Scriptures.  A lector volunteers to read the scriptures readings for weekday, weekend Masses and special church feast days and events. Contact: Gina Wells, Parish Secretary at 413-625-6405.


Usher – Ushers create and maintain a sense of welcoming and belonging for parishioners and

guests in our church community. Ushers volunteer their time to extend a warm greeting to our community, assist our pastor with a supportive presence during the celebration of the Eucharist

by ensuring a safe and focused environment during our liturgies and share the blessings our God

offers each week. To volunteer contact: Gina Wells, Parish Secretary at 413-625-6405.


Welcome to St. Joseph Parish in Shelburne Falls, MA and its two mission churches of St. John the Baptist in Colrain, MA and St. Christopher in Charlemont, MA.



34 Monroe Avenue

Shelburne Falls, MA 01370


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