Father Tony asked parishioner and electrician Jim Slowinski to add some lighting to the rectory kitchen, as it was very dark with only 1 overhead light and 1 light in the breakfast nook. Jim stopped by last week and installed two new lights, which had a tremendous impact on the brightness of the room. Jim also gave advice on other problems in the rectory and how to solve them. He took no pay for either the labor or fixtures. For your time, talent and treasure, we thank you!

Doug Finn also cut the large bush by the cellar door down. It was blocking most of the light from getting into the laundry room, and was a significant source of moisture build-up against the foundation and window (rot).

And finally, John Corbett and his son, John Jr., of J. Corbett Home Exteriors in S. Deerfield removed the 7 old windows in the cellar and replaced them with brand new, fitted, double-paned vinyl windows. These came to $2,050.00 which was paid for using “going green” funds from this year’s tag sale. The old, single-paned windows did not seal very well and were identified as a serious energy loss problem during our energy audit last year.

In addition to painting out the rectory, we are looking to wrap up the repairs for the year by fixing the shower in the visiting priests bedroom on the 2nd floor. There has been significant water damage done over the years as the shower has no exhaust vent to remove the moisture. Fans will need to be installed in both upstairs bathrooms and a new shower (probably an insert) will need to be installed. We are in the process of obtaining quotes from various companies and contractors for this work.