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Mass Intentions

The Sanctuary Candle is the 14-day candle next to the Tabernacle, which signifies the real presence of Christ within it.  An opportunity now exists for the Sanctuary Candle to be given as either a thank or memorial offering and remain burning in the church for the week. The name(s) of those being remembered will be listed in the Sunday bulletin (just as your Mass Intention is). For example: "The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week in loving memory of John and Jane Doe by their family." The cost for donating a candle is $10 per week (or $15 for two weeks).  Please use the form below to submit either your Mass Intention or Sanctuary Candle requests. We will contact you if your date is not available. All Mass intentions are $10, payable to St. Joseph Church. Thank you.


Welcome to St. Joseph Parish in Shelburne Falls, MA and its two mission churches of St. John the Baptist in Colrain, MA and St. Christopher in Charlemont, MA.



34 Monroe Avenue

Shelburne Falls, MA 01370


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