A preparation process includes meeting with our Pastor. Please contact the rectory to get started.

Usually celebrated in 11th grade as part of our CCD program. Adult classes are also available. Contact our Director of Religious Education.

Holy Eucharist
Usually celebrated in 2nd grade as part of our CCD program. Contact our Director of Religious Education.

Please make arrangements at least one year in advance. You may register and pay online for the 1-day (Saturday) Pre-Cana (marriage preparation) class at the Newman Catholic Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, or contact the Rectory for other class locations and dates. See the Marriage Prep Schedule 2015-2016 for more information.

Anointing of the Sick
Father Bill routinely offers this Sacrament the first weekend of each month after the Masses. This is a sacrament of healing. Before surgery, during an extended illness or in extreme cases, do not hesitate to call on the priest to offer the prayers of the Church.

Holy Orders
If you are exploring a vocation to the priesthood, please don’t hesitate to contact the diocesan Vocations Directors,
Fr. David Darcy at 413.896.6397
or Fr. Michael Wood
at 413.739.0456 Ext 4,
or by emailing
or visiting them on the web at www.myvocation.com.

Heard each Saturday after the 9AM Mass, before the Masses (and after the Sunday Masses), and twice a year at St. Joseph Church during our Advent and Lenten Communal Reconciliation Services. Also any time by appointment.